Dhaka, Sep 08 (V7N)- Following widespread unrest during the recent student movement, which saw numerous police stations across Bangladesh set ablaze and vandalised, the situation is gradually stabilising. As law enforcement operations slowly return to normal, citizens are once again turning to police stations for services, with many reporting an improvement in the efficiency and responsiveness of officers.

Md. Hafizur Rahman, a businessman based in Dhaka, recently visited a police station to file a complaint regarding an attack by members of the Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) prior to the uprising. Rahman, who supplies food and water to markets across the city, said he was attacked by 10 to 15 BCL members after refusing to comply with their demands related to his business. Following the political unrest, he changed his political affiliation and was finally able to file a complaint.

"I came to the police station and spoke to the officer on duty. Unlike before, I faced no issues in lodging my case," Rahman told *Jamuna Television*. "Earlier, political interference meant cases involving groups like Jubo League and Chhatra League were often covered up. Now, the police are taking complaints seriously, regardless of political connections. I am hopeful for justice."

This resurgence in public trust is being reflected in the growing number of people visiting police stations, even at night, to seek services. Officers are making efforts to maintain law and order, with increased patrols and a renewed commitment to preventing crimes such as robbery.

OC Hafizur Rahman of Uttara West Police Station stated, "We are ensuring that no crime goes unchecked, and we are actively patrolling the area all night. We aim to provide the highest level of service and ensure the safety of the public."

Similarly, OC Habibur Rahman of Uttara East Police Station confirmed that routine activities such as general diaries (GD) and case filings are continuing, as per the directives from higher authorities.

The police are also working closely with local communities and welfare associations to ensure that the situation remains stable. This renewed sense of security marks a significant shift from the chaos that followed the student protests, signalling a return to normalcy for many.

The movement, which had temporarily paralysed law enforcement in some areas, led to a breakdown in public services. However, the police are now focused on rebuilding public confidence and ensuring that justice is served without the political barriers that existed previously.

As normal operations resume, both police officers and the public are hopeful for a safer, more accountable law enforcement system in the days to come.