The price of onions drops by TK10 per kg domestically before they get into the Indian onion market. Stockists relinquished their stockpiles as word spread about the coming of the Indian onion market, which resulted in an increase in supply. 

The price of imported onions in the nation dropped by Tk10 per kg in a single day after India decided to abolish the export restriction after five months. 
Hili's low-income residents are happy about the price reductions. Shipments of onions are starting to arrive, and importers are expecting further drops. On Sunday afternoon, I visited Hili Bazar and saw that all of the businesses had more local onions available. Onions were once priced at Tk70 per kg on Saturday, but as of Sunday, vendors are only asking Tk60.
"Since Eid, onion prices have remained high, soaring from Tk50 to Tk70-75," Hili Market customers stated. My purchase has had to be reduced since the rising prices have made it difficult to manage family finances. I may purchase for Tk60 per kilogramme today."
Local consumers reported that "after hearing that imports would resume on Saturday, prices fell by Tk 10 per kg on Sunday." Due of low availability, traders have raised prices. On Sunday, all stores seem to have an overabundance of onions. Nevertheless, the lack of arrival of Indian onions suggests that dealers have been manipulating the price. The government should step in and control the onion market, we demand."
An onion merchant at Hili Bazar said that because imports had been suspended, the nation had been relying on indigenous onions for a number of months.
"The market supply was sufficient, but prices started to rise after Eid," he clarified. Around Eid-ul-Azha, a lot of vendors heaped up onions, sending prices skyrocketing to Tk70. Imports should soon restart after India decided to relax the export restriction on Saturday. 
The price of onions drops by TK10 per kg domestically before they get into the Indian onion market. Stockists relinquished their stockpiles as word spread about the coming of the Indian onion market, which resulted in an increase in supply.