Kalapara, June 29 (V7N)- A low-pressure system is situated over the northwest Bay of Bengal and the adjacent coastal areas. As a result, deep convective clouds continue to form in coastal regions, leading to significant variations in air pressure. Additionally, the Bay of Bengal adjacent to Kuakata has become somewhat turbulent. 
Many areas in this region are experiencing light to moderate rainfall, and the intensity of the wind has increased. The water levels in rivers have risen. There is a possibility of stormy winds sweeping through the coastal areas at any time. Therefore, the Meteorological Department has maintained local warning signal number 3 at all seaports, including Payra. Until further notice, all fishing boats are advised to remain close to the coast and navigate cautiously.
The low-pressure system is currently positioned over the northwest Bay of Bengal and adjacent coastal regions. Such systems are typical during this season and can lead to adverse weather conditions, including storms and heavy rainfall.
Deep convective clouds are forming due to the low-pressure system, which is causing variations in air pressure. The Bay of Bengal near Kuakata is experiencing increased turbulence. Light to moderate rainfall is occurring in many areas within this region. 
Wind intensity has increased, leading to potentially hazardous conditions. Water levels in rivers have risen, which could contribute to localized flooding in coastal areas.
The Meteorological Department has issued and maintained local warning signal number 3 for all seaports, indicating that there is a moderate risk of a storm. Fishing boats and trawlers are advised to stay close to the coast and proceed with caution to avoid the dangers posed by the turbulent sea conditions. These measures will remain in place until further notice is given by the Meteorological Department.
Local communities, especially those in coastal areas, are advised to stay informed about the latest weather updates. Precautions should be taken to protect lives and property from potential storm surges and heavy rainfall associated with the low-pressure system.