After only 15 days, Dulal Fakir's net at Pirojpur's Indurkanir fish has once again caught a fish worth 25 lakh rupees. He was talked earlier on Saturday, March 16, by selling thousands of fish for Tk 2 million.

It is recognised that UP member of Chandipur Union of Indurkani Upazila's East Charbaleshwar Ward. 15 days ago, two fishing trawlers from Dulal Fakir, FB Abdullah, and FB Al Imran, started fishing in the Bay of Bengal. His two trawlers had caught 120 lakkha fish in addition to other species.

A Lakkha fish weighs between 3 and 7 kg.

Fishermen who trawl the sea said that fifteen days prior, we went there with ice, nets, and supplies. Thanks to Allah, we also received an additional 120 lakkha fish along with other fish. Fish sold for Tk25 lakhs.

Having so many fish before Eid makes we are happy. we can now have a wonderful Eid with my family.

Owner of FB Abdullah and FB Al Imran trawlers, Dulal Fakir, said that although he had previously lost money by sending trawlers to the sea, he hoped to make up for his losses because fish sold for Tk 2 million.

Two trawlers from Dulal Fakir, FB Abdullah, and FB Al Imran, arrived at my landing on Saturday, according to Mohsin, a member of the Paterhat Fish Landing Centre.

For 25 lakhs, this fish was sold to wholesalers. When compared to other fish, lakkha fish is highly sought after and expensive.


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