Mongla June 15,(V7N)- To ensure smooth travel and prevent any untoward incidents during Eid-ul-Adha, the Coast Guard has intensified security measures. Starting from Saturday morning (June 15), members of the Coast Guard's Western Zone have been conducting awareness campaigns and searches in areas including the Pashur River, Mongla River, Mama's Ghat, bus, and railway stations. 
During this time, they are engaging in patrols, public awareness announcements using loudspeakers, distributing leaflets, and carrying out various awareness activities to prevent overloading of passengers on passenger boats.
Lieutenant Md. Muntasir Ibn Mohsin, media officer of the Coast Guard's Western Zone, stated that the Coast Guard has always come forward to meet the various needs of people within its jurisdiction. As part of this ongoing effort, they are conducting this operation in various important ghats and stands under the jurisdiction of the Western Zone to ensure public safety during the holy Eid-ul-Adha. He also mentioned that they are continuing to search various vessels to curb the spread of drugs ahead of Eid.
The Coast Guard officer further said that to ensure public safety, such security operations by the Bangladesh Coast Guard Western Zone are ongoing and will continue until passengers reach their destinations safely after Eid-ul-Adha.