Tangail June 15,(V7N)- In Tangail, the youth organization Dashmik Foundation has organized an Eid event for more than fifty underprivileged, destitute, and poor children. The event included the distribution of new clothes, food, and a henna festival.

On Saturday, June 15th, near the scenic Chhoyani Pond in Tangail city, at Maryam Food Corner, the Dashmik Foundation hosted an event to bring a smile to the faces of these underprivileged and destitute children.

Homeless and orphaned children are often seen on the streets, at railway stations, and in various other places. Unlike other children, their lives lack joy and happiness. With the upcoming Eid-ul-Adha, there is an excitement among children to buy new clothes for the festival. Every parent tries to buy new clothes for their children during Eid, but for destitute and orphaned children, getting new clothes, let alone good food, is often out of reach. Dashmik Foundation's initiative aims to bring smiles to the faces of these orphaned children.

As Eid gifts, the members of Dashmik Foundation provided high-quality new clothes, good food, and applied henna to the hands of these destitute and orphaned children.

The underprivileged and orphaned children expressed their excitement upon receiving such gifts. When asked about their feelings, they said, "We are very happy to receive such gifts; no one has ever given us such good presents or applied henna to our hands. We are excited to wear new clothes and have henna on our hands on Eid. This is a great joy for us."

Present at the event were Dashmik Foundation's founder and president, Minarul Islam, vice-president Ami Khan, general secretary Amena Akhtar Tilottama, secretary of medical and social welfare Trijan Chauhan, and members Sifat, Afroza Anifa, Mim, Snigdha, Lamia, Padma, Sumaiya, Mimi, Tanha, Priyasha, Suiuti, Tanvir, among other members.