In a recent interview with Hindustan Times, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, a prominent figure in Bollywood, voiced strong concerns over the escalating demands and hefty remuneration of actors in the Indian film industry. Siddiqui highlighted the detrimental impact of these practices on film budgets and industry dynamics.

Amidst a period of economic strain in Bollywood, characterized by several films encountering financial difficulties, Siddiqui emphasized that the industry's production costs remain high despite lackluster box office performances. He pointed out that the issue of exorbitant actor demands has been persistent over the years, adversely affecting the profitability and sustainability of film projects.

"Some actors have excessive and unnecessary demands. They want everything luxurious," Siddiqui remarked, citing examples such as actors maintaining multiple vanity vans for different purposes like gymming, cooking, eating, showering, and script practice. He expressed disbelief at such practices, labeling them as extravagant and unnecessary.

The actor's comments come amid ongoing discussions within Bollywood about the need for cost rationalization and financial prudence. Filmmakers and industry insiders, including Anurag Kashyap and Kriti Sanon, have previously raised similar concerns about the financial burdens imposed by high actor remunerations and additional demands.

As Bollywood grapples with economic challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and changing consumer behaviors, Siddiqui suggested that channeling investments directly into film production rather than accommodating lavish actor demands could be a more viable strategy for industry sustainability.

Siddiqui's critique underscores broader conversations within Bollywood about the need for industry stakeholders to reevaluate spending practices and prioritize financial discipline in order to navigate the current economic landscape effectively.