Major General Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman Siddiqui has joined as the new Director General of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB). He took over from outgoing Director General Major General AKM Nazmul Hasan on Monday (February 5) afternoon.

Ashrafuzzaman Siddiqui joined Bangladesh Military Academy through 27th BMA Long Term Course. On December 20, 1992, he was commissioned in the Artillery Corps of the Bangladesh Army. He also completed various professional training courses in the country and abroad.

Before joining BGB, he served as Director of Military Training Department and Chairman of Army Sports Control Board at Bangladesh Army Headquarters.

The newly appointed BGB chief has also performed the duties of various commands, staff and trainers in various assignments in the country and abroad. He served in charge of 5 artillery units. Also commanded an artillery regiment and two artillery brigades. He also served as Instructor of Bangladesh Military Academy, Staff Officer Grade-3 of an Infantry Division, Brigade Major of an Infantry Brigade and Colonel Staff of an Infantry Division.

He also served as the Director of the Internal Affairs Bureau of the Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI). He participated in the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission Ethiopia (UNMEE) and Sudan (UNMIS) and completed the mission successfully.

Ashrafuzzaman Siddiqui also served as Force Generation Officer in Peacekeeping Mission Operations (UNDPKO) at the United Nations Secretariat in New York, USA.