Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, Senior Joint Secretary General of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), voiced deep concerns over the country's power sector crisis during a press briefing at BNP's Naya Paltan office.

Rizvi highlighted contradictory statements regarding the power situation made by Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. While Quader claimed that 100% of the population has access to electricity, Prime Minister Hasina recently acknowledged the existence of load-shedding in certain areas.

Expressing dismay over the discrepancy, Rizvi pointed out that citizens continue to suffer from frequent power outages despite manageable temperatures.

Moreover, Rizvi criticized Quader's remarks accusing BNP of prioritizing foreign interests over national concerns. He referenced historical instances of foreign intervention in Bangladesh's political affairs, alleging that the ruling party has disregarded national sovereignty.

The press briefing was attended by several BNP officials, including Vice Chairman Ahmed Azam Khan and Adviser to Chairperson Zainul Abdeen Farooq, among others.