BNP leader Zainul Abedin Farroque asserted on Thursday that the ruling Awami League (AL) government prioritizes the interests of the business community over those of the people.

Speaking as the chief guest at a rally organized by Jatiya Gonotantrik Party (Jagpa), Farroque criticized the government's handling of rising commodity prices and increased power tariffs. He also demanded the immediate release of Khaleda Zia and other political prisoners.

Farroque, a member of BNP Chairperson’s Advisory Council, accused the AL government of neglecting the people's right to food, citing the soaring prices of daily essentials. He expressed concern over the financial burden placed on citizens, who struggle to afford basic food items such as eggs, rice, and oil.

As Ramadan approaches, Farroque noted that AL-backed syndicates have further increased commodity prices, exacerbating the plight of the poor. He criticized an AL minister for suggesting that people break their fast with plums instead of dates, highlighting the government's detachment from the struggles of ordinary citizens.

Emphasizing BNP's commitment to people's rights, Farroque stated that BNP advocates for the welfare of the people and upholds their power. He accused the AL of prioritizing power consolidation over public welfare, alleging that the government has failed to ensure the dignity and honor of the country's citizens.

Furthermore, Farroque condemned the January 7 elections as a sham, claiming that many members of parliament (MPs) from the AL are affiliated with the business community, contributing to the government's prioritization of business interests over those of the people.