Bangladesh Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on Wednesday (May 22) said there is still confusion over the disappearance of the Jhenaidah-4 constituency MP, who was brutally killed in Kolkata, India. In this situation, he said the BNP secretary general's statement blaming a friendly country is not justified.
He said this at a meeting at the Awami League central office on Bangabandhu Avenue. Awami League's Cultural Affairs Sub-Committee organized the meeting titled 'Progress of Smart Bangladesh, Rich in Cultural Diversity.'
“India is our friend, it is okay. When an MP goes for treatment, he does not inform the Indian government. And the security issue is addressed only if the appropriate authorities are informed," he said.
“But if they are an enemy state, how could Salahuddin, your MP, be safe for so long? No one killed him, no life was lost. Why are you slandering a friendly country? It is not appropriate to make such a statement,” the AL leader also said.
“The Awami League government does not bother about the sanctions imposed by those who deny Israel's genocide in Gaza, those who are killing 35,500 people indiscriminately by bombing and shooting them. What Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is doing now is worse than Hitler. Isn't it genocide to target and kill children? The President of the United States says that Israel did not commit genocide,” the minister said.
“Those who deny genocide and impose sanctions or visa policies on us, we don’t care about them. The army follows its rules. Bangabandhu's daughter, Sheikh Hasina, is not the person to spare anyone who commits a crime,” he added.
Awami League Cultural Affairs Secretary Asim Kumar Ukil, State Minister for Cultural Affairs Nahid Izhar Khan, former state minister KM Khalid, film actor Ferdous MP, and other members of the sub-committee were present at the meeting.