The Sholakia Eidgah Maidan witnessed an awe-inspiring congregation as millions of worshippers came together for Eid-ul-Fitr prayers on Thursday, April 11. Scheduled for 10 a.m., worshippers began arriving at the field early in the morning, eager to participate in the auspicious event. In the absence of the designated imam, a substitute imam led the prayers, guiding the faithful in their supplications for the peace and well-being of the Muslim Ummah.

By 8:30 a.m., the Eidgah Maidan was already teeming with worshippers, with the crowd overflowing onto surrounding roads, rooftops, and along the banks of the river Narsunda. This year marked the 197th Eid congregation at the Sholakia Eidgah Maidan, attracting over 500,000 worshippers from both home and abroad, according to Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Abul Kalam Azad.

Traditionally, the commencement of the congregation is signaled by the firing of six rounds of shotgun, with three shots fired at intervals of 5, 3, and 1 minute before the start of Jamaat, symbolizing the beginning of the sacred gathering.

Devotees from all corners of Bangladesh, including Gazipur, Munshiganj, Comilla, Barisal, Kushtia, Meherpur, and Jessore, made their way to Kishoreganj over the course of two days to partake in the prayers at Sholakia. Many spent the night under the open sky or sought shelter in the homes of relatives, friends, or city mosques, showcasing the deep-rooted significance of the historic Sholakia Eidgah Maidan in their lives.

For decades, worshippers have been congregating at the Sholakia Eidgah Maidan, forging a profound connection with the sacred ground that transcends generations. As they offered prayers for the peace and prosperity of the Muslim Ummah, including Bangladesh, worshippers reflected on the enduring significance of the Eidgah Maidan in their lives, underscoring its timeless importance in their collective consciousness.