The United Nations will be notified about the border dispute with Myanmar, according to Minister of Roads, Transport, and Bridges Obaidul Quader.

The general secretary of the Awami League declared, "We do not want to engage in war with anyone," on Tuesday, February 6, following an inspection of the party nomination form sales at its Bangabandhu Avenue offices.

"We want to solve the problem through discussion," he stated. The conflict between insurgents and junta forces along Myanmar's border is an internal concern for them. It is being worked on by our foreign ministry.

Quader stated that after considering all factors, the Awami League will choose deserving candidates for the reserved seats.

48 seats are reserved for the Awami League. For three days, nomination forms will be distributed and submitted. The nomination board will then select candidates.

Next Saturday, February 10, at Ganabhaban, there will be a special extended gathering to discuss the Upazila and City Corporation elections.