Dhaka, August 29 — In a recent interview with Canada-based Bengali media outlet Citizen Television, Army Chief Waqar-uz-Zaman addressed several pressing issues, including the controversial safe exit of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the current state of governance and military involvement in Bangladesh.

Regarding Sheikh Hasina's departure from the country, Chief Waqar-uz-Zaman stated that he was initially unaware of her specific exit plans but believed her safety might have been at risk had she remained. He emphasized that no one would endorse extrajudicial actions, and he supported ensuring her safety as part of the broader aim of national stability.

The army chief urged collective efforts to reform the country and advance towards a democratic process, acknowledging the ongoing involvement of the military in supporting the government’s efforts. He reassured that the army's role is to assist in achieving the reform goals and emphasized the importance of not abandoning the process halfway.

Addressing public concerns about misinformation, Chief Waqar-uz-Zaman urged citizens to distinguish between truth and falsehood. He criticized the spread of rumors and emphasized the need for patience and transparency during this transitional period.

On the topic of media responsibility, he noted that while some media outlets are maintaining integrity, there is still room for improvement. He expressed confidence that the media will gradually align more closely with responsible reporting standards.

Chief Waqar-uz-Zaman acknowledged the complexity of resolving long-standing issues, noting that while significant progress might not be achieved immediately, efforts are underway. He also addressed concerns about lingering influences from the previous administration, stating that the process of addressing such issues will be gradual and targeted.

Regarding military personnel, he confirmed that investigations into any misconduct are ongoing and that actions will be taken based on the findings. He emphasized that decisions must be evidence-based and that the investigative process might take time.

On the topic of military presence, Chief Waqar-uz-Zaman clarified that while the army desires to return to barracks, it remains deployed due to the police's inability to fully assume control. He assured that the army’s stay is intended to support the transition and stabilize the situation until the police force is sufficiently restored.

Finally, the army chief commented on recent agitations and disruptions, including issues with the Rural Electrification Board and Ansar forces. He noted that the army has been actively managing these challenges and urged continued patience as solutions are sought.