Dhaka, Sep 05 (V7N) — A month has passed since the fall of the Awami League government, which collapsed amid the anti-discrimination student movement. Marking this occasion, the student movement will hold a 'Shahidi March' on Thursday. In response, the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has implemented extensive security measures to prevent any unrest during the event.

The DMP has announced multiple layers of security, including deploying strike forces at key points around the city and placing plainclothes officers within and around the march. In addition, surveillance will be provided by various intelligence agencies to ensure public safety and prevent vandalism or chaos. According to DMP sources, police personnel will be stationed along the route of the march to monitor the situation closely.

The 'Shahidi March,' organized by the anti-discrimination student movement, is set to begin at 3 p.m. in front of the Raju sculpture at Dhaka University. The march will follow a route through key areas, including Farmgate, Karwan Bazar, Shahbagh, and Manik Mia Avenue, before concluding at the National Parliament and Central Shaheed Minar.

In anticipation of the event, the DMP's traffic department has also warned that some roads may be diverted to control traffic flow and avoid public inconvenience. Senior traffic police officers will be stationed along the route to ease congestion, especially given the typically heavy traffic on Thursdays. If necessary, vehicles will be redirected to alternate routes, and illegal parking will be cleared to allow smoother movement of traffic.

Additional Police Commissioner (Traffic), Khondkar Najmul Hasan, stated, “Efforts will be made to manage traffic effectively around the procession. If the number of participants is high, we will allow traffic to pass through alternative roads.”

Sarjis Alam, one of the coordinators of the student movement, announced that the march will proceed through various city landmarks and is expected to draw a large crowd. Meanwhile, Dhaka Metropolitan Police's Additional Commissioner (Crime and Operations), Yisroel Hawladar, assured the public that all necessary precautions have been taken to ensure the safety of participants and the public. 

With tensions high and a large turnout expected, the DMP is committed to maintaining peace and order throughout the event.