Dhaka, Sep 22 (V7N) – Brigadier General (retd) Sakhawat Hossain, Adviser for Jute, Textile, and Shipping ministries, has called for an end to the ongoing violence in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, stressing that the bloodshed must stop.

Speaking to journalists during a stopover at Barisal Marine Academy on Sunday, he said, "Many are stoking unrest in the hills, and this agitation must be addressed locally. Living together peacefully is crucial, and it's not solely the government's responsibility but society’s as well. Without maintaining harmony among the 14 communities, it will affect everyone."

Emphasizing the importance of peace in the region, the adviser added, "The hill regions are home to 14 communities, including Bangalees. To sustain harmony, we must understand the pain and suffering of ethnic minority groups. If we fail to create a peaceful regional environment, these issues will persist."

Sakhawat Hossain also addressed the issue of corruption under the previous administration. "In the two ministries I oversee, there hasn't been just 'sea-level theft' but 'ocean-level theft.' The government in power for the past 15 years entrenched corruption in the system. The Jute ministry has been completely ruined, and I am working to restore it. Fixing 15 years of corruption won't happen overnight; it will take time."

On the subject of Marine Academy graduates, he highlighted ongoing efforts to expand international job opportunities. "We are working to increase job quotas for Marine Academy graduates on the global stage, with a focus on securing positions in places like Dubai and Singapore."