In a recent turn of events, Elon Musk, the visionary leader behind Tesla and SpaceX, has unleashed a series of explosive allegations against Meta's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. Musk's attacks on Zuckerberg have intensified, particularly since his acquisition of Twitter.

Taking to Twitter, Musk has not shied away from mocking Zuckerberg whenever any product of Facebook or Meta experiences downtime. However, this time, Musk's accusations against Zuckerberg's Facebook and Instagram have taken a more incendiary tone.

Musk lambasted Zuckerberg, alleging, "Zuckerberg's tactics are excessively opportunistic. They essentially defraud advertisers by conducting campaigns on borrowed funds."

These remarks mark the latest in a string of confrontations between the two tech titans, with Musk seemingly unafraid to challenge Zuckerberg's dominance in the social media sphere. As tensions between the two escalate, the tech industry watches with bated breath to see how this feud unfolds.