Apparel exporters have decided to restart operations at all their factories from tomorrow (7 August), considering the industry's workload and the lead time requirements of buyers.

They have also committed to ensuring the safety of their factories and workers amidst the current law and order situation following Sheikh Hasina's ouster due to the student movement.

These decisions were made during an emergency meeting held by the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) at the Westin Dhaka this evening.

The BGMEA has communicated their decision to reopen all factories to their members and buyers.

Similarly, the Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA) has made the same decision and informed their members.

Meanwhile, about 200 BKMEA member factories and around 600 factories from the Bangladesh Garment Accessories and Packaging Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGAPMEA) were operational today, as reported by the associations' office bearers.

The delegations were led by former FBCCI president AK Azad, with former BTMA presidents Tapan Chowdhury and Marin Chowdhury also in attendance.

Following the meeting, AK Azad announced that factories would resume operations tomorrow and requested the president to take steps to ensure the security of their industries.