After a fierce 64-hour struggle, the fire that destroyed the S. Alam Refined Sugar Mill in Chattogram has finally been contained.

Early on Thursday morning, March 24, Brigadier General Mo. Main Uddin, the Director-General of the Fire Service and Civil Defense Department, verified the news. 
He said that notwithstanding some small flare-ups in some regions, the fire had been successfully contained by the efforts of eighteen army, naval, and air force units. It should out completely extinguished on Thursday afternoon.

7 member investigation committee formed following a fire at S. Alam Sugar Mill

The Fire DG explained that the flammable items made the situation worse and caused the fire to rekindle even after water was sprayed, which is why it took so long to contain.

Eighty percent of the one million metric tons of sugar raw materials that were kept at the facility have been recovered.

Sadly, the event has resulted in the injuries of two firefighters.

A five-person committee has been appointed to look into the situation, and it will provide a report within the allotted period.

S. Alam Group General Manager Aqtar Hasan promised that the fire was being controlled with great care. With the BSTI's clearance, the rescued raw sugar resources will be put to use.

Chattogram, a sugar mill catches fire

In an attempt to minimize any effects on the market as a result of this fire event, he said, production will get back up at the main facility this afternoon. A fire broke out at the S. Alam Refined Sugar Industries in the Karnaphuli district on Monday afternoon, before this occurrence.
To get the situation under control, firefighters from nine units arrived quickly, and later on, members of the Bangladesh Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard joined them.

S. Alam Refined Sugar Mill in Chattogram
Thailand, Argentina, and Brazil were the countries from which the mill processed raw sugar imports.
It uses technology and technical help from Thailand and France to run its two facilities, Plant-1 with a daily output capacity of 900 tons, and Plant-2 with a capacity of 1600 tons.


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