Dhaka, August 6 - As the night of August 5 unfolded, Dhaka was enveloped in an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty following the resignation and departure of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Some areas of the city turned into virtual battlefields, with heightened tensions particularly around police stations.

Residents who ventured out reported encountering roadblocks and questioning from various groups, with a notable absence of law enforcement in their usual capacity. The situation was particularly tense around the Uttara Purba police station, where concerns over safety were palpable.

In the Badda area, clashes and shelling turned the streets into a scene of chaos. By around 3 AM, the violence began to subside, allowing trapped police officers to be evacuated to the Rajarbagh police line. The scars of the night's violence were visible throughout the area, marking a night of significant unrest.

Meanwhile, the vicinity of Ganabhaban remained active with people, as individuals took items from the area. Despite the commotion, a security fence had been established around the building. As dawn approached, the army gradually made their presence known on the streets, working to restore order and calm in the capital.

The night's events have left the city's residents on edge, as they continue to grapple with the aftermath of the political upheaval and its impact on public safety.