Dhaka, Sep 09 (V7N) — The investigative body of the International Criminal Tribunal has issued a formal request to all public and private hospitals, cemetery authorities, and Deputy Commissioners across the country, seeking information on individuals killed or injured during the anti-discrimination student movement. This development was confirmed by Chief Prosecutor Mohammad Tajul Islam in a press conference on Monday afternoon.

Tajul Islam, recently appointed as the Chief Prosecutor of the tribunal, stated that the request for information also extends to all print and electronic media outlets, urging them to provide details and video footage relevant to the incidents from July and August. The investigation is focused on gathering evidence of the alleged massacre that took place during that period.

As part of the tribunal's ongoing efforts, four additional lawyers have been appointed as prosecutors to assist in the investigation. Tajul Islam, known for his previous role as a lawyer for Jamaat-e-Islami leaders during the International Criminal Tribunal proceedings under the former government, emphasized the importance of collecting solid evidence.

"The primary challenge we face now is securing all evidence related to the killings and injuries during the movement. We will also work towards the apprehension of those responsible," Tajul Islam remarked.

Former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been identified as the principal accused in cases filed by the tribunal concerning allegations of genocide. The Chief Prosecutor confirmed that efforts will be made to bring her, along with other absconding accused, back to Bangladesh to face trial. Additionally, Tajul Islam mentioned that an impartial judge will be appointed to ensure fairness in the proceedings.

In a press conference held by the International Criminal Tribunal on Sunday, Tajul Islam reiterated that Sheikh Hasina, the key figure in most of the genocide-related cases, must be extradited to stand trial. The tribunal's ongoing investigation seeks justice for the victims of the alleged massacres and aims to hold those responsible accountable.