Gaibandha, Jan 05, (V7N) - In a disturbing incident on Friday night, two Santal families’ houses were attacked and set on fire by a local Union Parishad (UP) chairman in the Gobindaganj upazila of Gaibandha. The attack occurred in the Rajabirat area of Rajahar Union, sparking outrage among locals.
The conflict stems from a longstanding dispute over land and pond ownership between two sons of Sundar Mondol, British Soren and Shailesh Soren, and Union Chairman Rofiqul Islam. On Friday morning, Chairman Rofiqul, accompanied by his men, reportedly attacked the house of Sundar Mondol. Despite the chairman’s attempt to force the Mondol family off the disputed land and pond, British Soren refused to vacate. During the altercation, Rofiqul's men physically assaulted British Soren, who later sought medical treatment at Bogura Ziaur Rahman Hospital for his injuries.
In retaliation for the earlier confrontation, Chairman Rofiqul's group set fire to the houses of British and Shailesh Soren on Friday night. The fire was eventually controlled by firefighters from Gobindaganj, who rushed to the scene after receiving reports.
On Saturday afternoon, police officials, including OC Bulbul Islam of Gobindaganj police station and Additional Police Superintendent of Gaibandha ABM Rashidul Bari, visited the affected area. A case was filed at Gobindaganj police station against seven individuals, including Chairman Rofiqul Islam, in connection with the incident.
The situation has prompted concerns regarding the safety and security of the Santal community in the region.