Rajshahi, Jan 20 (V7N) - A two-day science and technology fair commenced on Monday (January 20) at the Upazila Parishad premises in Durgapur, Rajshahi, as part of the 46th National Science and Technology Week. Organized by the Durgapur Upazila administration, the event was inaugurated by Upazila Executive Officer (UNO) Sabrina Sharmin at 11:30 AM.

Present at the inauguration were Assistant Commissioner (Land) Sumon Chowdhury, Upazila Secondary Education Officer Dulal Alam, Officer-in-Charge of Durgapur Police Station Durul Hoda, and other key officials, including Upazila Livestock Officer Jannatul Ferdous, Agriculture Officer Sahana Parvin Laboni, and Health Complex Health Officer Ruhul Amin. Representatives from educational institutions and local dignitaries also attended.

The fair features 14 stalls showcasing a variety of student innovations and projects. Highlights include energy-efficient housing models, solar system demonstrations, environmental protection solutions, electricity generation from lightning, nuclear power plant designs, smart security systems, solar furnaces, and concepts for building a Smart and Digital Bangladesh.

During the event, UNO Sabrina Sharmin remarked, “This science fair will spark revolutionary changes in the fields of science and technology. It is a fantastic opportunity to inspire young minds, cultivate their innovative talents, and prepare them to contribute to building a Smart Bangladesh.”

The fair aims to encourage students to explore scientific solutions for real-world challenges and promote technological advancements in line with national goals.