Jhalakathi, Feb 10, (V7N) - Kanthalia Police have arrested Md. Panir Hossain (52), the panel chairman (acting chairman) of Aorabunia Union Parishad, UP member of ward 9, and general secretary of Aorabunia Union Awami League (ward 9).

He was apprehended from Satani Bazar in Aorabunia Union on Monday afternoon (February 10). The arrest was confirmed by Kanthalia Police Station Officer-in-Charge Mong Chenla.

Panir Hossain hails from Uttar Talgachia village in Aorabunia Union and is the son of A. Sattar Kalu.

Regarding the arrest, OC Mong Chenla stated that multiple cases, including political cases, have been filed against Panir Hossain.