Teknaf, Sep 18 (V7N) — Work at Teknaf land port came to a standstill on Wednesday after gunshots were fired from the Myanmar border, spreading panic among workers.

The incident occurred around 1:30 PM when three shots were fired from the Myanmar side of the border. Jasim Uddin, the manager of the land port, reported that one bullet shattered the glass of the land port office, while another struck a cargo truck, and a third hit a coconut tree.

The shooting caused widespread fear among the workers, leading to the suspension of all activities at the land port as employees sought safety. Teknaf Upazila Executive Officer, Adnan Chowdhury, confirmed that everyone at the port has moved to safer locations, and operations have been halted temporarily.

For the past several days, the border area near Teknaf has been experiencing gunfire due to clashes between opposing groups on Myanmar's Totardiya island, located across the border. These ongoing conflicts have heightened tensions in the region, affecting daily activities at the port.