Tangail, Sep 12 (V7N) - A human chain was held in Bhuyapur, Tangail to raise awareness and combat the growing problem of teen gangs. The event took place on Thursday, September 12, at 11 AM, near the pond of Bhuyapur Government Pilot High School, organized by the Bhuyapur Upazila Teen Gang Prevention Committee. After the human chain, the organizers submitted a memorandum to the District Commissioner through the Upazila Executive Officer, calling for urgent measures to curb teen gang activities.
Speakers at the event voiced their frustration, stating that the people of Bhuyapur have long been distressed by the misdeeds of teen gangs. The pondside area of the school has become a notorious hangout spot for these gangs, whose members engage in various criminal acts such as harassing female students, extorting tiffin money from other students, and snatching bags from women. They urged the authorities and law enforcement agencies to take immediate and effective actions to put an end to these gang activities.
The event was attended by Professor Anwar Hossain Talukder, President of the Kinder Association Khairuzzaman Bhuiyan, Freedom Fighter Ashraf Ali Talukder, Principal of Bhuyapur Government Pilot High School Mohiuddin, Abdul Karim Khan, Secretary of the Upazila Anti-Corruption Committee Mizanur Rahman, journalists Asadul Islam Babul, Forman Sheikh, Asad Khan, Mahmudul Hasan, Hasan Sarwar Lavlu (Secretary of Sammilito Sangskritik Jote), and Golam Kibria Mukul, President of the Teen Gang Prevention Committee, along with others.