"They will eventually suffer terrible repercussions as a result of their enjoyment of preying on others, people will triumph on the day:" Rizvi

Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, a senior leader of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), stated on Saturday that his organisation is developing new initiatives to energise the movement calling for new elections with a nonpartisan administration.

"Undoubtedly, we're considering several programmes. Our leaders meet virtually every day. We'll let you know as soon as our plans are confirmed," he said.

The BNP leader added that his party is still carrying out its movement through several programmes during a press conference held at the party's Nayapaltan central office. "We are accompanied by political parties; we have matters to discuss with them. We will consult with all parties and develop new initiatives before updating you."

He said that the ruling party is now celebrating by forming a government with illegal entities. “Such a festival of the ruling party will one day be the festival of the people through their (AL’s) defeat and through their fall."

The BNP leader said that the ruling party is rejoicing by depriving the people of their right to vote by conducting one-sided elections, just as ferocious and bloodthirsty animals like wolves and lions catch prey and feast on it.

"They will eventually suffer terrible repercussions as a result of their enjoyment of preying on others. The people will triumph on that day," he warned.

Rizvi said people's justified movement for justice and democracy will never go in vain. “It is a record of history and it is a testimony of history. The people are not defeated...evil forces can restrain the wave of people for a while but they won’t be able to stop it.

He alleged that their party’s jailed leaders and workers have been staying in a suffocating atmosphere as the prisons have become Hitler's concentration camps.

“The highest level of oppression has been applied there (in jails), taking away all basic human rights of (the prisoners belonging to the opposition parties),” the BNP leader said.

He also claimed jailed senior BNP leaders, including its Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, Standing Committee members Mirza Abbas and Amir Khosru Mahmud

“The highest record number of people died in custody in a few weeks. Sheikh Hasina's jail is only comparable to the brutal persecution of Hitler's concentration camps," the BNP leader observed.

He said the dummy government felt the warmth of illegal power by unleashing the law enforcers against the common people, but the farmers, labourers, day laborers and low-income people are going through serious ordeals due to shivering cold, especially in the northern part of the country.

“I call upon the rich people and the leaders and workers of BNP to stand by the helpless people,” Rizvi said.