“We’ll take out processions holding black flags to protest against the unbridled increase in commodity prices, alongside our demand for the release of all political prisoners: Rizvi

The BNP on Sunday declared a two-day program of black-flag protests on January 26 and 27, calling for the dissolution of the 12th parliament and voicing opposition to the escalating increases in the costs of necessities.

The program was unveiled at a news conference held at the BNP central office in Nayapaltan by Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi.

According to him, the event would take place on January 26 in all district offices and on January 27 in all major cities.
This is the BNP's first street campaign following the January 7th, 12th parliamentary election.

In addition to demanding the release of all political prisoners, including our leaders Begum Khaleda Zia, Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, Standing Committee members Mirza Abbas and Amir Khosru Mahmud Chowdhury, the withdrawal of all false cases, and the annulment of the illegal parliament, Rizvi said, "We'll take out processions holding black flags to protest against the unbridled increase in commodity prices."

He slammed the Awami League government, claiming it had failed to stop the rising costs of necessities.

"By crushing the BNP, the Awami-dummy government—which was established through a charade known as a staged election of seat sharing—has crushed Bangladesh. Nobody is left to look after them anymore," he said.

The BNP leader said that the country has been experiencing a famine-like situation and that the Awami business syndicate's malfeasance is causing the common people to face severe hardships in the face of the sharp increase in commodity prices.

"People are going through terrible hardships just to make ends meet while trying to provide for their families. Even with loans, they are unable to provide for their family. Everything's market price has surged, from green chiles to gold," he said.

Furthermore, according to Rizvi, the gas issue has gotten worse, placing people in a tough situation and driving the owners to close their firms one by one. "Chattogram is experiencing an even worse situation."

At the press conference were BNP Chairperson Zainul Abdin Farooque, Asadul Karim Shahin, Asadul Azad, Mir Newaz Ali, Tariqul Islam Tenzin, and Aminul Islam, among other core leaders.
