Tarique Rahman, acting chairman of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), has said that his party will reintroduce the caretaker government system into the constitution to reestablish the people's voting rights.

He made the statement on Monday evening during a series of virtual discussions with grassroots leaders and activists at a meeting in the Khulna division.

Tarique Rahman emphasized that the ownership of Bangladesh belongs to its people, and electing public representatives through the free exercise of voting rights is their legitimate democratic right.

He added: "In 1996, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) included the caretaker government system in the constitution to ensure free and fair elections, replacing the party-based government to protect the people's voting rights. However, in a bid to consolidate power and deprive the people of their voting rights, the autocratic Sheikh Hasina government removed this system from the constitution, depriving the people of their voting rights in three national elections."

Tarique further mentioned that BNP engages in politics to fulfill the aspirations of the general people of the country.

He said: "Ensuring people's safety, freedom of speech, the right to conduct business peacefully, employment opportunities for the youth, dignity and security for women, equal state rights for all regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, plain, or hill, establishing the rule of law, balancing power between the judiciary, legislature, and executive branches, ensuring healthcare for all, fair prices for agricultural products, and above all, safeguarding the country's independence and sovereignty are BNP's political priorities."

Tarique Rahman said: "The nation witnessed the shameful and unjust eviction of Begum Khaleda Zia from the house where Shaheed President Ziaur Rahman once lived."

He continued: "That house is deeply intertwined with my and my brother’s childhood memories. It’s the foundation of my mother's household, which has seen both joy and sorrow."

He also mentioned: "My brother suffered neglect and ultimately died without receiving proper medical care.

"Similarly, countless grassroots leaders and activists of our party have been forced into miserable lives. Many have been imprisoned or driven into hiding due to false charges and relentless persecution. Some have even sacrificed their lives in the pursuit of democracy," Tarique added.

The acting BNP chairperson said: "The trust and love that the BNP has earned from the people through years of struggle, sacrifice, and perseverance will not be allowed to be tarnished by the reckless actions of a few misguided individuals."

"No matter who they are, we will not tolerate it," he stated firmly. "Identify those who damage the party’s image and resist them. We are committed to not only expelling them from the party but also taking legal action against them."