Pirojpur, Aug 01 (V7N) - Trees are essential allies in preserving the environment, playing an irreplaceable role in maintaining ecological balance. Unfortunately, in Pirojpur, both natural forces and human actions are causing the loss of thousands of trees.
The scenic beauty of Pirojpur has long been enhanced by its lush greenery. The region boasts a diverse range of tree species, each contributing significantly to environmental health. Trees are instrumental in cleansing the air by absorbing pollutants and carbon dioxide while releasing oxygen, a necessity for human survival. They also combat soil erosion, support rainfall patterns, and mitigate the impact of rising global temperatures. Furthermore, trees help moderate temperatures in urban and densely populated areas and provide vital resources such as shade, wood, flowers, and fruits.
Despite the well-known slogan "Plant trees, save the environment," practical efforts are lacking. The indiscriminate felling of trees continues unabated, exacerbating environmental crises such as temperature increases and other related disasters.
In Pirojpur, the destructive effects of nature combined with human activities—such as deforestation for brick kilns, road expansion, embankment projects, riverbank erosion, industrial growth, urban sprawl, and new construction—have led to extensive tree loss. Throughout the year, certain unethical timber traders, driven by profit, transport trees from remote areas to urban centers using overloaded trucks, often causing accidents due to the excessive weight.
The ongoing deforestation is raising carbon dioxide levels, which contributes to global climate change and an increase in natural disasters. Trees are critical for natural beauty and ecological balance, and their absence is causing silent distress to the environment. Immediate and widespread tree planting is essential for safeguarding future generations. The time to act is now.
Bangladesh requires 25% of its land area to be covered by forests, yet the current forest cover falls short of this target. With the monsoon season providing ideal conditions for planting, it is crucial for the state to promote tree planting initiatives.
Nirmal Kumar Dutta, the Acting Officer of the Social Forestry Nursery and Training Center (SFNTC) in the Pirojpur Range, informed Voice Seven News that the district will see the planting of 41,000 trees under the Sundarbans Protection Project, 10,000 trees through operational funding, and an additional 10,000 trees from the Free Farming Fund. The planting efforts have already commenced.