V7N, July 11 – Facebook remains one of the most popular social media platforms worldwide, facilitating communication and boosting online businesses. However, many users find their accounts or pages suddenly disabled without warning. A BBC report sheds light on why this happens and how Facebook's policies contribute to these actions.

Social media experts highlight that Facebook's support system has faced disruptions due to increased reliance on automated systems instead of human moderators. This shift has led to sudden disabling of accounts or pages without thorough verification.

Facebook has established Community Standards Guidelines that users must adhere to. These guidelines cover six primary areas:

1. Violence and Criminal Activity: Activities related to terrorism or militancy, and content spreading violence, are strictly prohibited. Such content or associated pages and groups are removed immediately upon reporting.

2. Security: Content that compromises user security or promotes harmful activities is not tolerated.

3. Objectionable Content: Reports of objectionable content, including violent speech, hate speech based on race, religion, caste, gender, or physical disability, lead to swift action.

4. Authenticity and Credibility: Facebook prioritizes the authenticity of user profiles and content. Fake profiles or misleading information can result in account disabling.

5. Intellectual Property: Violation of intellectual property rights, such as unauthorized use of copyrighted material, can lead to account or page removal.

6. Requests and Solutions: Users must follow procedures for reporting issues and resolving disputes.

Facebook's stringent community guidelines ensure the platform remains safe and respectful for all users. Understanding these rules can help users avoid the sudden loss of access to their accounts or pages.