Feni, Sep 13 (V7N) -  The only generator at the Sonagazi Upazila Health Complex in Feni has been out of service for an extended period, leaving patients and their families in distress during frequent power outages. Without electricity, vital services such as nebulizers, suction machines, and oxygen supply are halted, forcing patients to rely on hand fans or improvised paper fans to cope with the sweltering heat.
Despite a few lights being powered by IPS and solar energy, fans remain non-operational, worsening conditions for those admitted to the hospital. Hospital authorities have confirmed that the generator has been malfunctioning for nearly three years.
During a visit to the hospital on Thursday morning, many were seen using cloth, paper, and hand fans to cool their ailing relatives. One patient, Monowara, expressed her frustration, stating, "The frequent power cuts are making me feel worse. Even when the electricity is on, the fans provide little relief, and there aren't enough of them in some areas."
Monir, a concerned relative, shared, "My granddaughter has been admitted for two days now, but without electricity, we can't even use the nebulizer when the power goes out."
Noyon, the father of another patient, added, "There are so many patients that we couldn’t get a bed, so I’ve been staying with my child on the stairs. The lack of airflow is making his condition worse. I've decided to take him home."
A nurse, who wished to remain anonymous, explained, "We're struggling to provide care due to both the frequent power cuts and the overwhelming number of patients. When there's no electricity, we can’t operate nebulizers, suction machines, or provide oxygen."
Hospital electrician Emdadul Haque Jashem pointed out that the facility requires a 30-kilowatt generator, but currently only has a 10-kilowatt one. "The generator was installed in 2021 and worked for a few months before breaking down. After a few repairs, it completely stopped working," he said.
Dr. Utpal Das, Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer, acknowledged the issue, saying, "I arranged for the generator in 2021 with the help of the former Upazila Chairman. Although it functioned well initially, it soon broke down. We’ve repaired it multiple times but now need a new generator. We've already notified higher authorities."
Meanwhile, Bala Mitra, DGM of the Sonagazi Zonal Office, remarked, "We strive to keep the hospital's power line operational 24/7. Occasionally, there are disruptions due to transmission line faults, but load shedding on this line is rare."