Delhi, Mar 01 (V7N) –Bangladeshi students studying at Delhi University on scholarships funded by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) are required to sign an undertaking barring them from political activities, forming unions or visiting sensitive areas in India, reports Times of India (TOI) citing documents.
A violation of these terms can lead to the cancellation of their scholarship and possible deportation.
The undertaking signed by Bangladeshi students, seen by TOI, states, "In connection with the ICCR scholarship for the year 2024-25 granted to me for pursuing [course name] at [institute/university] in India, I undertake that while in India I will not engage in political activities, activities prejudicial to the interest of India, or activities that could embarrass India's relationship with any foreign country."
"Further, I would not visit any border/restricted/protected or tribal areas in India. I also undertake that in case of violation of any part of the above conditions, the ICCR scholarship offered to me would get cancelled," adds the document.
TOI quoted Delhi University officials saying such an undertaking is a long-standing requirement for Bangladeshi students on ICCR scholarships and is typically collected by the Bangladesh High Commission in India during the application process.
However, due to the political upheaval in Bangladesh last year, several administrative procedures were delayed.
"Usually, students sign this undertaking at the time of applying for the scholarship. This year, since some procedures were incomplete due to political issues in Bangladesh, the embassy asked us to collect the undertaking later," an official told TOI.
The TOI report also mentioned that students from other countries studying in India on ICCR scholarships were not required to sign a similar undertaking.
A Palestinian student in a central university confirmed to the Indian media that they are not being asked to sign any such document.
TOI quoted one Bangladeshi student saying, "We were asked to submit the undertaking while applying for the scholarship. Usually, it is taken by our embassy at the time of application. But this year, we were made to sign it after admission. Delhi University sent these undertakings to students on behalf of the embassy."
As many as 270 Bangladeshi students are studying at Delhi University, making them the largest foreign student group on campus, according to a university official.
ICCR has announced 640 scholarships under the Atal Bihari Vajpayee General Scholarship Scheme, formerly known as the General Scholarship Scheme, for the academic year 2025-26.
TOI quoted university sources saying they are closely monitoring the emergence of pro- and anti-government factions among Bangladeshi students in India amid concerns that political divisions back home could spill over to Indian campuses.