As Hollywood's biggest stars gathered for the 96th Academy Awards ceremony at the Dolby Theater, the glitz and glamour were overshadowed by protests raging outside. Artists and activists alike raised their voices against the backdrop of the ongoing aggression in Gaza, questioning the timing and relevance of the prestigious event.

Amidst tightened security measures, artists and craftsmen encountered obstacles on their way to the ceremony, delayed by demonstrations echoing demands for solidarity with Palestine and condemnation of the violence unfolding in Gaza.

Despite the festivities within, the atmosphere outside remained charged as human rights activists rallied for a ceasefire and decried what they termed as Israeli genocide in Palestine, bolstered by what they perceived as indirect support from the United States.

Among the protesters, a sentiment of disillusionment with the status quo prevailed. Some, including individuals of Jewish faith, expressed dismay over U.S. involvement with Israel amid the ongoing crisis, calling for an immediate halt to the bombings in Gaza.

Within the entertainment industry, dissent simmered as well. Artist-producers lamented the silence of the Academy and questioned the consequences of speaking out against the genocide in Palestine. An actress's dismissal from a film for her pro-Palestinian stance underscored the fear of reprisal among industry professionals.

The protests, already anticipated due to heightened tensions, prompted additional security measures around the Oscars venue. Despite the spectacle of Hollywood's most celebrated night, the demonstrations outside served as a stark reminder of the pressing humanitarian crisis unfolding a world away.