In the midst of the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel, disturbing reports have emerged of Israeli forces holding Palestinians hostage in the Gaza Strip. The exact number of hostages remains unclear, as Israeli authorities have provided inconsistent information regarding their status.

According to media sources, Israel released several hostages as part of a ceasefire agreement reached last November. However, the released individuals have recounted harrowing experiences of torture and mistreatment at the hands of their captors, underscoring the ongoing ordeal faced by many Palestinians.

Three Palestinian women have come forward to share their accounts of brutal treatment while in Israeli custody. Hadil al-Dahdouh, a 24-year-old mother, described being separated from her 9-month-old baby when she was detained along with her husband and uncle from Gaza City. Despite their release, they continue to grapple with the trauma inflicted upon them.

Fatima Tanbora, aged 33, recounted being taken hostage while seeking refuge in a school in Gaza City. Held for 48 days, she endured physical and psychological abuse, including forced nudity and beatings. Similarly, Lama Khattar, arrested from her home in the West Bank, detailed the humiliating treatment she endured while detained by Israeli forces.

These testimonies shed light on the plight of Palestinians caught in the crossfire of the conflict. The Israeli military's actions have drawn condemnation from human rights groups, who demand accountability for the alleged abuses perpetrated against Palestinian detainees.

As the conflict rages on, concerns mount over the welfare of those still held captive and the need for a lasting ceasefire to ensure the protection of civilians on both sides. The international community has called for urgent action to address the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza and to uphold the rights of all individuals affected by the conflict.