In a recent development at the United Nations Security Council, the elected government of Gaza and the resistance group Hamas have applauded the veto cast by China, Russia, and Algeria against a resolution proposed by the United States. The resolution aimed to enforce a so-called ceasefire in the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

According to a statement released by Hamas on Saturday, the group expressed satisfaction with the rejection of the resolution by China, Russia, and Algeria. The statement highlighted that the proposed resolution by the United States sought to perpetuate Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people under the guise of a ceasefire.

Hamas criticized the US draft resolution for its failure to demand an end to Israeli aggression in Gaza, effectively legitimizing what it referred to as Israeli genocide in the region. The group commended China, Russia, and Algeria for rejecting the biased proposal put forth by the United States.

The US proposal, submitted by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, called for an "immediate ceasefire to ensure the release of hostages" in Gaza. However, despite repeated attempts, the ceasefire resolution has faced vetoes in the past.

While Western nations such as the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Germany continue to support Israel with weapons and financial aid, countries like Bangladesh, China, Russia, and Iran have been vocal in their condemnation of the ongoing violence in Gaza. These nations have actively pursued diplomatic efforts to advocate for the establishment of an independent Palestine.

The latest development underscores the deepening divide at the international level regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with divergent stances on how to address the situation and bring about a lasting resolution.