Mexico has taken the unprecedented step of suspending diplomatic relations with Ecuador following the arrest of Ecuador's former vice president, Jorge Glass, from the Mexican embassy in Quito. The Mexican government's decision came after Glass was apprehended on Friday, despite being granted political asylum by Mexico, reports Al Jazeera.

In a statement, Mexico's foreign ministry expressed outrage over Glass's arrest and demanded his safe passage out of Ecuador. However, Ecuadorian special forces entered the embassy and arrested Glass, defying Mexico's diplomatic protection.

Ecuador's government defended its actions, asserting its sovereignty and commitment to upholding the law within its borders. Despite international outcry, the arrest proceeded, prompting condemnation from Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. He denounced the arrest as an act of tyranny and a violation of both international law and Mexico's sovereignty.

Legal experts and commentators have criticized the arrest, viewing it as a blatant disregard for diplomatic norms and an affront to justice. Adrian Perez Salazar, a prominent lawyer and political commentator, labeled the incident a travesty of justice, emphasizing the sanctity of embassy premises under international law.

Glass, who sought refuge in the Mexican embassy in December, faces corruption charges in Ecuador. His arrest has raised concerns about the safety of individuals seeking asylum in diplomatic missions and the integrity of diplomatic immunity. Glass has alleged mistreatment by Ecuadorian authorities and maintains his innocence amidst the ongoing legal battle.