Massive protests have erupted in Jordan following allegations that the government assisted Israel in thwarting Iranian drone and missile attacks. The protests stem from Jordan's reported interception of over three hundred drones and missiles launched by Iran towards Israel's territory last Saturday, marking a significant escalation in tensions in the region.

In a statement, the Jordanian government defended its actions, stating that it was a necessary measure taken in self-defense to protect its people and populated areas from the threat posed by the incoming drones and missiles. However, the move has sparked widespread outrage and discontent among Jordanian citizens.

Hussein, a Jordanian protester, expressed frustration, stating, "I am very upset with the way Jordan has protected Israel." Many share his sentiments, believing that while they do not support Iran, they oppose any action that indirectly aids Israel in its activities in Gaza.

Mariam, a university student in Amman, echoed similar sentiments, emphasizing that while Iran may not be popular in Jordan, intercepting missiles launched by Iran and inadvertently involving Jordan in the conflict is unacceptable.

Military analyst Mahmoud Ridasad argued that Jordan's interception of the drones and missiles was primarily aimed at safeguarding its sovereignty and airspace, rather than specifically protecting Israel.

Tahani Mustafa, a Palestinian analyst, highlighted the divided opinions among Jordanian citizens regarding Iran's attack on Israel, attributing the lack of clarity to the limited information available about Jordan's economic, diplomatic, and security relations with the United States and Israel.

Criticism has also been directed at a defense cooperation agreement signed between the United States and Jordan in 2021, which allows US military personnel to enter and travel within Jordan without transportation and air restrictions. Many protesters have called for the expulsion of American forces from Jordan, citing discontent over the agreement and its perceived implications.

The ongoing protests in front of the Israeli embassy in Amman, where hundreds of thousands of locals have gathered for several weeks, reflect the broader sentiment calling for the annulment of the peace treaty signed between Israel and Jordan in 1994.