Taiwan has been struck by a series of earthquakes, with over 80 aftershocks recorded from Monday night to Tuesday morning. The most powerful tremor registered a magnitude of 6.3, causing widespread concern across the region. Reports from Reuters and NDTV shed light on the situation.

The epicenter of the earthquake was located in the eastern Hualien County of Taiwan. The impact was felt not only along the east coast but also reached the capital city of Taipei. However, the extent of the damage is still being assessed as authorities work to gather information.

This recent seismic activity comes just weeks after Taiwan experienced a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 on April 3, resulting in the loss of at least 14 lives. Following that event, the region has been plagued by numerous aftershocks, adding to the existing challenges faced by residents.

In the latest earthquake, a damaged hotel building in Hualien collapsed, further exacerbating the situation. Fortunately, authorities have confirmed that the building was already abandoned, mitigating the risk of casualties. Despite this fortunate outcome, the recurrence of seismic events underscores the ongoing vulnerability of Taiwan to natural disasters.