In a bold move of protest, Lily Greenberg Call, a Jewish official serving in President Joe Biden's administration, has publicly resigned, citing the administration's continued support for Israel amid the Gaza war. Lily, who held the position of Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff at the US Department of the Interior, announced her resignation in a heartfelt letter, expressing her inability to represent the Biden administration in good conscience.

According to reports from the Associated Press (AP), Lily voiced her concerns about President Biden's remarks during the ongoing Gaza conflict, which commenced on October 7. Biden's statements, particularly one where he warned about the safety of Jews worldwide if Israel ceased to exist, drew sharp criticism from Lily. In her resignation letter, she condemned Biden for leveraging the Jewish identity in the context of war, denouncing it as highly inappropriate.

Lily's resignation adds to a growing list of officials within the Biden administration who have stepped down in protest of US policy regarding Gaza. The conflict, marked by indiscriminate attacks from Israel, has prompted several resignations from officials who have voiced their opposition to the administration's stance.

The news of Lily's resignation sparked a storm of reactions on social media platforms. However, it was met with further controversy when Joe Biden's social media account, X, was suspended after he shared Lily's resignation announcement. The suspension ignited widespread debate and protest in the online sphere, underscoring the divisive nature of the Gaza conflict and its reverberations in US politics.

As tensions persist in the Gaza region and dissent grows within the Biden administration, the implications of Lily's resignation and the broader discourse surrounding US policy on Israel and Palestine remain subjects of intense scrutiny and debate both online and offline.