The international community has united in condemnation of Israel's ongoing offensive in Rafah, Gaza, with the United Nations Security Council holding a special session on Wednesday to address the escalating violence. The session saw strong denunciations of the Israeli aggression from various member states.

UN Middle East Affairs Coordinator Tor Wensland highlighted the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, noting that the suffering of its people has reached unprecedented levels due to the sustained Israeli attacks over the past seven months. "The suffering of the people of Gaza has peaked due to the continuous Israeli onslaught. Just this Sunday, a horrific attack claimed the lives of 45 Palestinians who were seeking refuge in tents," Wensland reported. He urged all parties to take immediate and effective measures to protect civilians.

The United States also expressed criticism of Israel's actions, including the attacks in Rafah. US representative to the UN, Robert Wood, acknowledged Israel's right to self-defense but condemned the repeated airstrikes targeting displaced Palestinians. "Israel has the right to defend itself, but the continuous airstrikes on displaced Palestinians are unacceptable. Israel must exercise greater caution in its operations to ensure the safety of innocent civilians," Wood stated.

China joined the chorus of condemnation, urging Israel to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza. Fu Kong, China's representative at the UN, emphasized Israel's responsibility as the occupying power. "Since Israel is occupying Palestinian land, it is their duty to ensure the delivery of relief supplies to Gaza. We call for the immediate opening of all land borders to allow aid to reach those in need," Fu declared.

The unified stance of the international community underscores the urgent need for a resolution to the ongoing crisis and highlights the collective demand for the protection of civilian lives in Gaza. The session concluded with calls for both immediate humanitarian aid access and a ceasefire to prevent further loss of life and suffering.