Paris, June 5, 2024: In a bold display of solidarity, left-wing lawmakers in the French parliament attended a session dressed in colors representing the Palestinian flag. The French media outlet, La Monde, reported this striking act of protest on Tuesday.

During a session of the National Assembly, France's lower house of parliament, several legislators from left-wing parties coordinated their attire to form the Palestinian flag's colors. Some wore green, others donned black and red, while the rest were dressed in white, creating a visual statement of support for Palestine.

This act of protest follows closely on the heels of a recent incident where La France Insoumise (LFI) party deputy, Sebastien Delogu, raised a Palestinian flag in parliament. The session was promptly suspended by the head of the National Assembly, and Delogu was subsequently suspended from his parliamentary duties for 15 days as a penalty.

France has maintained a stance of open support for Israel since the onset of the conflict on October 7. However, members of the LFI and other left-wing factions have been vocal in their criticism of the government's position, expressing strong solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

The coordinated attire of the lawmakers serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing debate and division within French politics regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict. The left-wing legislators' actions underscore their commitment to highlighting the plight of Palestinians and opposing what they perceive as Israeli aggression in Gaza.

As the conflict continues to draw international attention, these acts of protest within the French parliament signal a growing rift between the government's official stance and the sentiments of some of its lawmakers. The visual protest by the left-wing legislators not only highlights their support for Palestine but also brings the issue to the forefront of national and international discourse.