(V7N) June 8, 2024 — Unemployment in Gaza has skyrocketed to nearly 80 percent since the Israeli offensive began on October 7, according to a report by Qatar-based news outlet Al Jazeera.

The report highlights a severe economic crisis in the Palestinian territories, with an overall average unemployment rate exceeding 50 percent, as per the United Nations Labor Organization (ILO). Specifically, the Gaza Strip is facing a staggering unemployment rate of 79.1 percent, while the West Bank's unemployment rate stands at about 32 percent.

The escalating unemployment has compounded the already dire humanitarian situation in Gaza. The region is grappling with acute shortages of food and clean drinking water. ILO regional director Ruba Jaradat noted that these statistics do not account for Palestinians who have ceased looking for work, further underscoring the gravity of the situation. "The situation in Gaza is very bad," Jaradat emphasized.

The economic turmoil and high unemployment rates are exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The lack of employment opportunities is driving many families into deeper poverty, straining the limited resources available in the region. This situation calls for urgent international attention and intervention to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people and to work towards sustainable solutions for economic stability.

The ongoing conflict and its devastating impact on Gaza's economy highlight the need for a concerted effort to address both the immediate humanitarian needs and the long-term economic challenges facing the Palestinian territories.