Buenos Aires, (12 June 2024) — The country is in turmoil as massive protests have erupted against the economic reforms proposed by Argentine President Javier Millei. Clashes between security forces and demonstrators broke out on Wednesday, June 12, with the unrest spreading throughout the capital, Buenos Aires.

The British media outlet BBC reported on Thursday, June 13, that security forces used tear gas, pepper spray, and water cannons to disperse the crowds. The protests turned violent outside Congress, where the reform proposal was under debate.

Tensions escalated as protesters set fire to a car and attempted to breach the Congress building by climbing over the fence. The situation deteriorated further when demonstrators began hurling petrol bombs and stones at security forces, who responded with pepper spray.

President Millei's proposed economic reforms have sparked widespread outrage. Key elements of the proposal include declaring a one-year economic emergency, granting the President the authority to shut down central agencies, and privatizing numerous public institutions, including the state-owned airline.

The unrest underscores the deep divisions within Argentina over the proposed measures, which critics argue will exacerbate economic inequality and reduce public services.

  • Economic Emergency: A one-year declaration to address the economic crisis.
  • Presidential Powers: Enhanced authority to dissolve central agencies.
  • Privatization: Transitioning dozens of public institutions, including the state-owned airline, to the private sector.

The protests reflect significant public opposition to these changes, with many Argentines fearing the reforms will negatively impact their livelihoods. The government's response and the outcome of the congressional debate on these reforms will be critical in determining the country's economic and social trajectory.

For more information and updates, stay tuned to reliable news sources and official statements from the Argentine government.