Santa Fe, June 20, 2024 — New Mexico is grappling with a catastrophic wildfire that has burned 20,000 acres of forest within a single day. The inferno, which has spread to local communities, has resulted in significant destruction and prompted an urgent response. This was reported by the British media BBC on Wednesday.

Over 500 buildings have been damaged in the blaze, leading to a state of emergency being declared across New Mexico. Evacuations are underway for residents in the fire-affected and surrounding areas as the fire continues to spread rapidly due to dry conditions and heavy winds.

The state's Meteorological Department has reported wind speeds of 31 km per hour, further exacerbating the situation. Local authorities have indicated that the scale of the fire has overwhelmed the capabilities of local rescue workers and fire services, prompting an urgent request for state intervention.

Efforts to contain the fire are ongoing, but the situation remains dire as emergency services struggle to bring the blaze under control. The state's top priority is ensuring the safety of residents and mitigating further damage to property and natural resources.