Moscow, 25 June 2024– Tragedy struck in Moscow as a devastating fire engulfed an office building in Fraizino, located approximately 25 kilometers northeast of the capital, resulting in the loss of eight lives.

The fire broke out on Monday in the eight-story office building, leading to six fatalities from the blaze itself. Additionally, two individuals tragically lost their lives after jumping from a window in an attempt to escape the inferno, as reported by the British media outlet BBC.

Disturbing videos circulated on social media depict thick smoke billowing from the upper floors of the complex, heightening the severity of the situation. The purpose of the building remains unclear, though it was previously associated with the Platan Research Institute and the defense industry, according to Tass news agency.

Emergency services swiftly responded to the scene, battling the flames and conducting rescue operations. Authorities are now conducting investigations to determine the cause of the fire and ascertain any lapses in safety protocols that may have contributed to the tragic loss of lives.

The fire in the Moscow office building has shaken the local community and raised concerns about safety standards in such structures. As investigations continue, the focus remains on providing support to the affected families and ensuring that similar incidents are prevented in the future.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the risks associated with fire hazards and the critical importance of robust fire safety measures in all buildings, particularly those housing offices and research facilities.