New York, July 1, 2024 — A 13-year-old boy was tragically shot and killed by police in Utica, New York, after officers mistook his toy gun for a real weapon. The incident occurred on Friday night and was reported by Qatar-based media Al Jazeera on Monday.

The teenager, identified as Niah Mawbe, was involved in a suspected robbery with another juvenile. According to reports, the shooting happened shortly after 10 PM local time. Video footage that surfaced on Saturday afternoon shows a New York police officer firing at Niah, who was holding a toy gun. Police stated that the boy had pointed the toy gun at the officers, prompting them to believe he posed a serious threat.

The incident took place approximately 240 kilometers northwest of Manhattan in the city of Utica. The police department's actions have come under intense scrutiny, raising concerns about the use of force and the methods used to identify potential threats.

The New York Police Department has launched an investigation into the shooting, and the officers involved have been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. Community members and activists are calling for a thorough and transparent investigation, demanding accountability and justice for Niah.

Niah's family, devastated by the loss, has expressed their grief and outrage over the incident. "We are heartbroken and struggling to understand how this could have happened," a family spokesperson said. "Niah was just a child with a toy, and now he is gone. We need answers, and we need justice."

The tragic shooting has reignited debates over police training, the use of force, and the handling of situations involving minors. As the investigation continues, the community in Utica is left grappling with the loss of a young life and the need for systemic changes to prevent such incidents in the future.