Washington D.C., July 4, 2024 – President Joe Biden is facing significant pressure from within his party to withdraw from the presidential race after a disappointing performance in the first debate against Republican candidate Donald Trump. Despite this, the 81-year-old president has made it clear that he has no intention of stepping down.

Members of the Democratic Party have expressed alarm over Biden's condition and debate performance, prompting some to call for his withdrawal. However, Biden has stated unequivocally that he will not exit the race. He acknowledged his poor performance in the debate but remains committed to continuing his campaign.

A White House spokesperson reinforced this stance, dismissing rumors about Biden stepping down and affirming that he will be the Democratic nominee. "Joe Biden is poised to become the next president," the spokesperson declared.

Speculation had arisen that Vice President Kamala Harris might replace Biden as the Democratic candidate. In response, Biden and Harris participated in a closed-door lunch at the White House, followed by a campaign phone call, where both reiterated their commitment to the current ticket. Biden emphasized that he is still in the race, and Harris voiced her continued support.

In a fundraising email sent after the lunch, Biden reiterated his determination: "I want to say, plain and simple, I'm fighting. I will be in this race until the end."

On Wednesday morning, Biden spoke with two key campaign team members who were concerned about his potential withdrawal. He assured them that he has no intention of stepping down. This reassurance was quickly followed by an official statement from the White House affirming Biden's commitment to the race.

Biden conveyed the same message to three Democratic governors, who confirmed to the media that Biden is not stepping down. Addressing his debate performance, Biden attributed it to exhaustion from extensive travel. "I had to go through numerous time zones," he explained. "So I was sleepy."

Despite the challenges following the debate, President Joe Biden is resolute in his decision to remain in the presidential race. With the support of his campaign team and Vice President Kamala Harris, Biden is preparing for future debates and continuing his fight for re-election.