Washington, D.C. July 30 — With 100 days remaining until the U.S. presidential election, Vice President Kamala Harris has unofficially kicked off her campaign, raising an impressive $20 million in just one week. While the Democratic Party has not yet formally announced her candidacy, Harris is widely seen as the leading contender following President Joe Biden's decision to step down as the party's nominee.

Rob Flaherty, Assistant Promotions Manager at the Democratic National Committee (DNC), announced on social media platform X that 66% of the campaign's donors were new contributors. The campaign also signed up 17,000 new volunteers, signaling strong grassroots support.

Prominent Democratic leaders, including former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, as well as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have already thrown their weight behind Harris. Their endorsements suggest a growing consensus within the party for her candidacy.

The Democratic Party plans to officially select its presidential candidate through an online voting process in August. Should Harris be nominated, she will face off against the Republican nominee in what is expected to be a closely watched race.

Recent polls indicate that Harris is gaining ground on former President Donald Trump, with some surveys showing her nearly surpassing him in popularity. Additionally, her support appears to be rising in Europe, highlighting her international appeal.

As the election draws closer, all eyes are on the Democratic Party as it prepares to officially nominate its candidate. Harris's early campaign success, both in fundraising and garnering support from key party figures, positions her as a formidable contender in the upcoming race.