Kyiv, Sep 04 (V7N) — In response to escalating Russian attacks and declining public confidence, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi's administration has initiated a significant reshuffle within the government. At least seven ministers and several senior officials have resigned, while a top aide to the president has been dismissed as part of the restructuring efforts.

David Arakhamia, head of the parliamentary group of the ruling 'Servant of the People' party, announced on social media that a major reshuffle is expected this week. "Wednesday will be our dismissal day and the day after that will be the new appointment day," Arakhamia stated on Telegram, hinting that over 50% of the Cabinet Department staff could be affected by the changes.

Among those who have submitted their resignations or were removed from office on Tuesday and Wednesday are Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, Strategic Industries Minister Oleksandr Kamishin, and State Property Fund Head Vitaly Koval. Deputy Prime Minister Olha Stefanishina, the Justice Minister, and the Environment Minister have also stepped down. Additionally, Rostislav Shurma, the deputy head of President Zelenskyi's office and a key presidential aide, has been fired.

These changes come after several previous reshuffles in the Zelenskyi administration since the start of the war with Russia. Last September, the Defense Minister was dismissed following a corruption scandal, and a top military commander was recently removed due to battlefield setbacks.

In a recent speech, President Zelenskyi emphasized the importance of the upcoming autumn for Ukraine, stating that a reorganization of state institutions is necessary to achieve the results the country needs. The reshuffle is seen as an attempt to restore public trust and improve the government's ability to respond to the ongoing conflict.

Analysts suggest that while more adjustments may occur in the coming days, the overall impact may be limited. The ongoing Russian offensive has forced Ukrainian troops to retreat in some areas, further eroding public confidence in the Zelenskyi government’s ability to counter the Russian threat effectively. 

The reshuffle is part of a broader effort to stabilize the government and enhance its ability to manage the war and its consequences, but whether it will be enough to regain the trust of the Ukrainian people remains to be seen.